Monday 23 December 2013

autumn statement

i was just watching the autumn statement on the bbc parliament channel. it's like a review on economic stuff and it was made by the chancellor, george osbourne. i didn't change the channel because he was shouting about interesting stuff: benefits, youth unemployment, education, families etc. i tried to listen to what he was saying, but it was hard because all the mps do is shout! even when someone else is talking! the disrespect! i was amused and sort of disgusted. it sounded like a primary school playground and all these men in suits were going red in the face and pointing their fingers and laughing at statements they didn't agree with. if those politicians can't even respect people on the same level as them, then how would they treat someone of 'lesser status'?
the speaker at one point said: i think what members on both sides of the house will wish to consider, is how the conduct is regarded by the public that we're here to represent. i don't think they did. and i don't really like that i'm represented by a bunch of loud angry men who don't look or sound or even remotely think like me. it's quite baffling.


  1. Oh god I get exactly what you're talking about! I find it embarrassing that the people who are meant to be leading our country spend more time yelling and blaming each other for stuff instead of at least trying to cooperate and solve these problems. It's virtually disgusting.

    1. exactly! all that time they spend shouting, they could be out trying to understand even a teeny bit what life is like for the people they're governing.
      yeah they don't cooperate and it's such a problem. they don't LISTEN to each other and that's so important.
