Monday, 3 June 2013

legs legs legs

i'm comfortable with my legs and i don't shave them - i've never felt the need to. i don't know why some people think being female means that you must shave or wax. i was with 3 family friends at the weekend and i can't remember how or why, but i ended up showing them this strange strip at the bottom of my leg that's completely hairless. that isn't what they payed attention to of course. i wasn't bothered by their shock, but one of the two boys said it's unholy for a girl to be hairy... i'm still confused. he couldn't answer me when i questioned this, he said it just is. then he asked me with a smirk on his face if that's why i wore a maxi dress to my cousin's holy communion the week before. i would have said that i wore it because i felt very pretty in it and the dress is lovely, but i didn't have to justify myself. my legs are nice and do a good job at supporting and transporting me and whatnot, that's enough for me. this idea that hairless is the only kind of beautiful is very strange in my opinion. why should the body that somebody else lives in for their whole life look a certain way for you if that's not what the person wants?


  1. I love this post! I do shave my legs but most of the time I just can't be bothered with it. I love when you said "my legs are nice and do a good job at supporting and transporting me and whatnot, that's enough for me." Women should be allowed to embrace anything and everything about ourselves without people saying we're being 'unholy' or 'weird' or whatever.

    1. thanks mabel, so do i haha :-) i know omg, and 'unholy' sounds so extreme. yeah it's crazy that someone can be confident with something about themselves but other people will look down on that. it's something to be celebrated!

  2. this is so so so so perfect. i've been thinking about feminism lately, and i totally agree. guys don't have to shave-wax-have-perfect-legs-look-amazing-at-every-second-of-every-single-day, do they? so why should they have such an unrealistic standard?

    1. aw thank you lovely! i know, but even girls hold this standard. one of my friends said today that hairless arms make you happy and pretty, and i understand that they can make you feel that way, but it's not the same for everyone. and some guys who want to shave are called names or thought of as not 'masculine' enough. people's judgement of them doesn't seem so harsh though, idk.

  3. This is great! So true... Have you seen this post: ? It's more awesome leg-positiveness :)

    1. :-) wow that's a cool post, thanks for sharing it!:-) i'd love to see someone confidently rocking coloured leg hair.

  4. Ugh yes! I hate the questions I get like
    "If you're a feminist why do you shave your legs/wear makeup/care about clothes/etc etc" YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT

    1. exactly!!
      (not that i can relate actually, i've not said i'm a feminist because i'm not sure i completely understand it and i couldn't argue or defend it properly. hopefully i'll have the confidence one day to do so.)

  5. There's definitely that expectation of girls to meet certain standards, like having smooth, shaved legs, which I think is quite sad. Your post is inspiring, doll! xx
