Sunday, 9 June 2013

'originality is dead'

who lied and said 'originality is dead? i'm seeing this phrase all over the place and it's so negative. my friends were talking about it the other day and all agreeing with it, even i was, and i think that's very sad; we're only 14 years old and it's us who will one day be adults capable of changing the world (maybe we are now but idk, school etc.). when there's a whole world full of stuff to do and discover, i don't think it's right that young people should just accept that our options are limited and we must just pass all of our exams and get a job to make lots of money to provide for our families. our brains are capable of so much and we need to maintain that, expand them. i don't know why we (humans) hear something and just accept it. it's like we're discouraged from a young age to question things. i saw a picture the other day that said something about being told the half truth and believing the wrong half and it just made me think. in my opinion originality isn't dead, it's just harder to achieve since it seems like everything has been done. and because of what i think is this illusion, people aren't so shocked by really amazing ideas and don't try to make their own. or maybe they think of these ideas and wait for other people to do them. this could be the case. i was at my aunty's house yesterday with some of her friends and their kids, we talked the whole night, and at one point my aunty said it would be nice to hear conscious rap music sung over an african beat. then i thought why don't you do it? one of her friends that was there is a musician. everything is so strange, people are like robots just accepting this crazy system that programmes us to be the same. idek. i feel like my thoughts make no sense and i wonder if i'm naive and/or ignorant and if anything i say or think is relevant or even matters. i really annoy myself sometimes but i just want to make something great of myself. i don't like posting on sundays, but i need somewhere to put my jumbled thoughts before my head explodes, whether they make sense or not.

the underacheivers make such perfect music omg, the lyrics just leave me in awe


  1. Wow, can I just say it's like you're inside my mind because that's just pretty much what's been running through my mind for the past few days. And also you're really articulate. Well that's all I have to say. ;)

    1. i'm so glad. it's really comforting when you know you're not the only one feeling something. :-) woah thank you, i feel like i'm not articulate at all haha. i wish i could see myself through another person's eyes. thank you so much. <3

  2. oh. okay, asdfghjkl. okay, okay this is just... um perfect? it's true how society just messes with our minds, and our creativity and our originality. yes, this is so articulate, i agree with kani. i can't wait for your next post! they are always so amazing.

    1. wow lotus, you've made me smile so much! haha thank you aw you're so great.

  3. Hey, nice post ..

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  4. You're really great. And cool. And cute. And :)

  5. I guess what people mean by saying this is that okay original thoughts and ideas can exist (although scarcely as there have already been so many people in the world) but being gutsy is becoming a bigger challenge. Innovations are becoming more linked-to-each-other to stay on the safe road since not doing so has more evident consequences?

    I agree with your opinion though, it's just that the cliche does have a logical reasoning behind it

    1. yeah i definitely agree with what you're saying, but when people naturally are quite gutsy and have good ideas it's like not many people will encourage their creativity because it might seem unconventional or strange. do you know what i mean?
      i think maybe the cliche stems from what's popular and eventually becomes really common, like a hollywood storyline or fashion item.
      thank you for sharing this. :-)
