Monday 21 October 2013

disillusioned with life

i wrote this last night in the bath:

    i think it's the 20th of october today. i know that it's a sunday because the x-factor results are on and my mum wants me to be watching them with her. i have been 15 for just over a week now and it really is the strangest feeling. i'm trying to work on my articulacy and coherence and good organisation of my thoughts, so the best way i've found i can summarise this feeling is to say that i am DISILLUSIONED WITH LIFE.
    i only know what disillusioned means because we've been learning about germany in history and how germans became disillusioned with the weimar republic in the late 1920s. history is the only subject on my school timetable that i love and that excites me. it is the one lesson which i always leave feeling refreshed and alive because i've been mentally challenged. i've developed recently a completely rational but almost annoyingly constant desire to be mentally challenged. for this reason i cannot watch x-factor with my mum. not only is it ridiculously boring now, but i feel like there's nothing new for me to hear or see. everyone and everything is so samey-samey, which is something i've discovered in more things than i'd like to - hence my general disillusionment with practically everything.
the ability to read awoke in me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive - malcolm x
 this disappointment is unquestionably a product of americanised, media-influenced expectations that i have regrettably been bombarded with over the years. i often wish i could re-do my life right from birth and self-fashion into a sociable, interesting genius of some sort. it's nothing to do with not liking myself (i really like myself), it's rather the knowledge of all my wasted potential. i think i'm a really interesting person, but a major flaw in me is not being able to properly express my interestingness.
obviously, this means that i really really really have to be proactive and personally bring about this CHANGE for myself. my fourteenth year of life was preparation for this, i believe. there's no use waiting for january 1st when each day the sun rises anew. my goal is to get through this last week of school and undergo a massive spiritual, mental, part-physical MAKEOVER throughout/during half term. it will all start by me taking out my extensions on friday after school and washing my hair then cutting off all the relaxed bits!
no matter how daunting, I WILL DO THIS.


  1. This is one of the coolest things I've read in recent memory. You're at such an exciting place; disillusionment is such a great catalyst for change, and the perfect jumping-off point for making a difference. I think it's pretty safe to say you're already articulate and coherent and that you are adept at organising your thoughts, but being dissatisfied with self-expression makes us work harder at it, I think.

    I have so much faith in your ability to bring about the change you want, and I'm convinced people are going to be quoting you after you're gone. Your perspective reminds me of that of some of my favourite philosophers, and after reading this, I'm so excited about your fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and every other year.

    I watch the stupidest stuff on tv, and I'm not even reading anything at the moment. That's changing right now. I hope the hair extension removal felt as cathartic and symbolic as it sounds! Also, thank you. I get so fired up after reading things, but I don't always feel inspired. Right now, I feel inspired xo

    1. oh my god mia this has made me so so so so much happier than you could possibly imagine oh my GOSH!!! thank you awww you've made me feel so good!
      you're very right, i am trying harder with my self expression.
      i'm excited about all my other years too because i literally have no idea what i'll be doing!!
      i really have no words mia i'm so glad this made you feel something, <3
