Thursday 16 January 2014

'feminism for teenagers'

 i got this very helpful book from my school library the other day. i've been going there a lot lately, after school with my friends. we get homework done but mostly chat.
 it's called feminism for teenagers and it's written and illustrated by sophie grillet. i haven't read a feminist book like this before. i want to read more now.
 there are different and important perspectives in the book and i really like it. it talks about men in relation to feminism though i'm still not sure if it's okay for men to be feminists (i think it should be but idk) because the book says for the purpose of this book, a feminist is a woman who has actively sought and fought for rights for women.
 there are three white girls on the cover of the book but lots of differently coloured people inside. that makes me happy (look at that smile lol) but i wish it was more obvious from the cover.
of course the suffragettes are mentioned, along with other political women and queens and stuff. like cleopatra, who has a speech bubble thing saying typical of your male-dominated age that i'm most famous for being in love with anthony and looking like elizabeth taylor, rather than for ruling egypt.


  1. Wow that book looks seriously cool might have to try and track it downn x

    1. it really is. and it's probably on amazon.

  2. You made me very curious, I really want to read it now! :) x

  3. That looks really interesting. I wish our school library had stuff like that, I'm pretty sure it doesn't! And wow, that Cleopatra bit is so frickin true. She's not presented as a ruler, just a beauty icon. xo

    1. yeah i was so surprised to find this in there! there's a tiny little section of feminist books lol, i hope to read them all if i can!
      yes omg i was so glad that was mentioned. it made me realise that i don't really know what she was about and that information is probably less accessible than it would be about a male pharaoh.

  4. That looks like a great book! Some feminist books are so hard to read, I've been trying to find better ones for my sister for ages

    1. yeah it's written simply enough to be able to understand well and the illustrations really help.
