Monday, 4 March 2013

monday moodboard

oh, marilyn :-)
look at that flower crown

mandy coon s/s 11
twiggy, my princess
pretty 1950s teddy girl

makes me smile :-)

today was kind of hard but these pictures are so nice and nice things make me go kind of weak. i wish i was one of the people who got a balloon today, maybe with a smiley face drawn on - i needed that. i was one of the people who said 'i love you' today so that's kind of nice. i need to get rid of my moody monday mentality somehow.


  1. Lovelylovelylovely pictures! I especially like the monday one. Makes me realise that I should stop focussing on myself and my sadness and look for the happiness!
    Hope you feel better soon. Listen to some sad music. May seem weird, but it always helps me. Means I'm not the only one going though some troubles.

    1. yeah when we're wrapped in our own secure bubbles of sadness we sometimes forget to look up and smile about other good things that are going on. it's not bad to be sad but sometimes it can be blinding i guess.
      aw that's lovely. :-) it's so strange how feelings that seem so personal are really quite universal.

  2. Amazing pictures. This may sound slightly weird but I like the way you arrange them... *thoughtful face*
    Anyhow, I hope your mood picks up :)

    - Heather -
    // //
