- i ordered kurt cobain's journals and when i got home today it was here! i got a lot of other books too: girl with a pearl earring (my current read), submarine, girl interrupted, the language of flowers, sophie's choice, submarine, a certain age, schindler's list, dead poets' society and the kite runner. a lot of them i'll leave until the summer to read because they're so big and right now i'm not up to being so challenged. i just tried reading lolita then i got to page 241 and realised that it was starting to seem like gibberish so i've put it down for a bit. my english teacher has tried finishing it several times but she never can.
my idea of a chill day would be lying in a big tee shirt somewhere soft next to someone who won't be up for much of a conversation. occasionally our messy thoughts will dribble out of our mouths. it would be raining really heavily with the weeknd playing loudly (or quietly?) in the background and i'll be all drowsy and cutesy and falling in and out of sleep.
Your blog is so cool. I' just started following you. x
thank you my lovely