Friday 8 November 2013

all by myself!!

today has been so chill. i've quite enjoyed my friday and i think it's because when i finished styling my hair this morning i spent so long looking at myself in the mirror thinking about how fabulous i am that i was nearly late. i then proceeded to have a really good day. i've been either working hard or just doing what i felt like doing today. sometimes that was the same thing. i think i was subconsciously motivated to get through today because tomorrow i'm going to my cousin's house in kent all by myself (to sleep there bc it's her birthday next monday)! 2 hours on public transport all by myself! i'm so so excited oh my gosh. my dad was going to take me to the rail station but i won't let him because i need to force myself to become more independent and try to actually ask for directions and talk to ticket people all by myself! ooh if this is what it means to be 15 then i think i'm liking it.


  1. I love those kind of days where you just seem to be able to get on with stuff! I hope you have fun at your cousins :)x

    1. same! i quite like being with myself sometimes

  2. I love how confident you are! Have fun this weekend! :) xx

    1. haha thank you! this confidence doesn't always translate to the real world, it's more of an internal thing but i'm getting there

  3. This reminds me of myself at the beginning of the summer. I had to take a train to Brussels then to London and afterwards to Welwyn and I was so excited! Love being 15! Hehe

    1. wow that sounds cool and scary. i think little things like this help you become more aware of where you are and what's available to you and you get to grow a little
