Thursday 28 November 2013

london buses

something i love about london is the buses. inside the mostly double decker machines, so many lives are contained and, for such a brief time, each of them are connected at this one point. no matter what kind of existence they've had, something has brought them all onto this specific vehicle and their lives are all moving at different paces. it's kind of beautiful and really weird and i keep thinking about it. i wonder if anyone else does. i doubt that lots of people do though, because londoners too often seem too occupied and busy and fast and worried.
i use buses a lot. i take two to get to and from school. this morning i really wanted to read on my journey to school, but i was really intrigued by the conversation of two year 7s from my school. my school has two sites, and i moved on to upper school in summer, so i don't really get to see the new year 7s anymore. it was so interesting how they both spoke slowly and carefully and were so bubbled in their conversation. the girls were talking about a music presentation they had to do today. one of them was saying that she would talk about muslims in the music industry, and how quite a few want to be famous but their religion doesn't really allow it; how it's hard to get recognition within that industry etc. i think that's about when i had to get off of the bus. it's so wonderful that she is conscious of problems her people face and decided to educate others about it. i wonder what else she knows about muslim people's experience of the world - i'd like for her to tell me.
i recently read a zine which had a piece about the experience of and by a black american muslim woman. so many components of her identity! and that's not even the whole of it. when i get the zine back from my friend i might put a little extract up on here if i can be bothered. i think i will because there's other stuff i want to say about muslim women.
i just saw this picture on tumblr that reminded me of what i eavesdropped this morning:

now for a kind of irrelevant but really cute song:


  1. I really enjoyed reading this! That picture is so accurate, it just sums up the way the media here portray most people from other cultures.

    1. i'm glad! yeah the media likes to generalise and sometimes it's dangerous
