Tuesday 16 July 2013

save me from this crazy i've been painting

* i want to learn about the worldwide cultural impact of the beatles
* i want to be taught about politics because nothing i read on the internet about left wing or right wing makes any sense to me and why are posh rich men in suits deciding stuff about my life and yours when they'll never really know how we have to live with it
* i need somebody to question, challenge, engage with me and let me question them and tell me how the world has treated them and if it was what they expected or wanted

i dislike the typical school environment of two to a table in rows and columns all eyes on one teacher babbling on for an hour. i don't enjoy daydreaming and doodling because it's just my coping mechanism to save me from boredom. it makes me feel bad for 'wasting' my free education when there are 5 year olds walking to and from rivers to get dirty water just to survive, looking after themselves with no parents. why can't i be grateful for the good that i have? gosh sometimes i feel disgusting just wanting and wanting and wanting as if i don't already have enough, but is it even bad to want more?

(i think my mind is about to swallow me up)


  1. this. this is perfection. thank you for sharing.

    1. no thank you for seeing through the mess that is my thoughts lotus

  2. I know that feeling of being really dissatisfied yet guilty because of all you do have. I also wish politics was put on the curriculum, because it IS important and it IS relevant and I reckon they just do it to keep us stupid so we can be tricked and exploited. The UK Youth Parliament has a campaign to try and put those things on the curriculum (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/uk-youth-parliament-curriculum-4-life/signatures), but for now we seem to be on our own :(

    This is about left/right and really nice to look it, plus pretty good at explaining it:
    This one is a bit more understandable:
    I hope they help! xx

    1. yes! teachers always tell us we should vote as soon as we can, but nobody really understands what that vote means or what we're voting for and why we should. oh i used to know someone who was in that youth parliament. i signed that petition. :-) thank you so much for those links, you're so lovely and interesting.

    2. Thank you :) I've been trying to think how I got into politics, Rookie got me into feminism, but I was interested in politics beforehand... I think talking to grown ups is really good, maybe parents (I know my mum was biased as she worked for Labour while at uni, but even then talking is good). Small things, like I'm always asking "is the Daily Mail right wing? And the Telegraph?" [answ: they are] help. Also, London has loads of youth councils I think (I'm in Kent), which I found good for getting to know how the government works. At some UKYP meetings there were people from youth councils in Ealing, Greenwich, etc, so there might be one near you if you're interested? :) xx

    3. since like last year i've been interested in the idea of politics, but it all seems so confusing and i don't know where to start. yeah grown ups can be helpful. maybe my relatives will know about politics, or at least i hope so. my mum always votes for labour so i should probably ask her why. oh it's cool that you can talk to your mum about it. :-) do you agree with much of what she politically believes? oh i didn't even know that newspapers were winged haha. do you read them? and what about left wing newspapers? i really like the guardian and the new york times and it seems like they are quite left-wing, based on the yahoo answers i just read. :-P
      thanks for all of this information. i'm not sure i'm ready for youth councils but i'll definitely look into them.
