Tuesday 25 February 2014

lou stovall

'a... whispering' by lou stovall. i love the colours and the shapes and the shadows and layers; they say a lot about whispering. :-) i feel like the ellipses in the title provoke the viewer to think what could be whispering. what came to my mind is 'a planet whispering'. my own imagination enhanced the artist's piece, which is the magical thing about expression.
this one is called 'dappled things'. lou stovall works really well with colour.
next is 'gail's garden, spring'. how beautiful. i see lots of naturey stuff in it like supernovae and flora. :-) i love when simple simple stuff like this is so amazing. gail's garden, summer has thinner lines. i wonder if that's because summer has a lighter feel to it.
lastly, on his website, it says "stovall has made a unique effort to build unity among artists in washington, dc [where he lives] and to encourage, by his own example, service in the community." i like that a lot. :-)

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